Implementation of the Unified Payroll Return (PAYE/NSSF)

The Kenya Revenue Authority and National Social Security Fund(NSSF) would wish to inform the public that a unified payroll return has been developed for joint declaration and payment of Pay As You Earn(PAYE) and NSSF  deductions. This is one of the initiatives under the government’s “Ease of Doing Business” agenda.

The PAYE/NSSF unified payroll return which is ready for implementation will be piloted on select employers in the month of March 2020 and ultimately to all employers by December. There is ongoing work to further incorporate joint declaration of National Hospital Insurance Fund(NHIF) and payment of the National Industrial Training  Authority(NITA) levy through the KRA iTax system. These declarations are aimed at reducing the cost of tax compliance and curb revenue leakage.

The authority is also exploiting information held by other government bodies including Kenya Power, National Transport And Safety Authority (NTSA), commercial banks and property registries in the harmonization of filed returns.

KRA and NSSF encourage employers to support the initiative by filing the unified payroll return available in the KRA iTax system. The support structures have been enhanced in both institutions to ensure employers are optimally supported to comply with this reform initiative.


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